Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Flushing Area Summary Table

The flushing area summary table is an alternative to the flushing operator's report. The table provides a complete summary of the events. If you select a flushing study it will include the active events for the areas of that study. If you select a single flushing area it will include only those events in that area.

The information contained in the flushing area summary table is identical to that of the flushing operator's report. The only difference is that no plan views are included in the table.

The following columns are included in the flushing area summary table:

  • Flushing Area: This is the label of the flushing area.
  • Sequence: Starting at 1, the sequence increments for each event. The sequence resets to 1 for each subsequent flushing area. Sequence 0 is reserved for boundary elements if defined for the flushing area.
  • Type: There are several types that organize the information in a cleaner fashion:
    • Boundary Element: If there are any boundary elements specified for the flushing area, these are listed first. These actions should be taken before any actions for any individual event for the flushing area.
    • Event: This row will show the label of the event along with some results for that event if results are available. These results include Minimum Flushing Time, Recommended Flushing Time, Minimum Volume and Recommended Volume. The "Pipe Run to be Cleaned" is also included on this row.
    • Flushing Element: This is either the junction or hydrant being flushed for this event.
    • Isolating Element: This is an element that should be closed or opened in order to fulfill the needs of the flushing for this event.
    • Final Action: These are actions that should be completed at the end of the final event. This normally includes reopening valves that were initially closed or closing valves that were initially opened. Any boundary elements that were initially closed are listed to be reopened here.
  • Flushing Event: The label of the current event. Corresponds with the sequence. Final Actions do not show a flushing event label.
    Note: The first flushing event in the area will have no additional information in the table. For subsequent events (Event 2+), the immediate previous *active* event will be looked at to determine if any additional rows need to be added. The additional rows added will be read-only.
  • Element ID: The ID of the element for the row. Events do not show an ID.
  • Element: The element label. Events do not show a label.
  • Element Type: The type of element corresponding to the Element ID and Element columns. This is left blank for events.
  • Operation: Determines what operation should be taken on the element.
    • Flowing: This is the junction or hydrant to be flushed.
    • Close: Close this element.
    • Reclose: Previously opened but needs to be closed.
    • Closed (prior): This element was closed previously. No further action required.
    • Open: This element should be opened.
    • Reopen: Reopen this element as it was previously closed.
  • Predicted Flow, Predicted Pressure: Results on the flowing element only, if available. All other element shows a blank.
  • Minimum Flushing Time, Recommended Flushing Time, Minimum Volume, Recommended Volume: Results on the event itself, if available. Shown only on the event row.
  • Pipe Run to be Cleaned: Shows a comma delimited list of pipes that will be cleaned for this event. Shown only for the event row.
  • Comments: The notes for various elements. For the boundary element, comments will be from the boundary elements table on the flushing area. Event will show event specific comments. Individual comments will be shown from their respective rows in the flushing events table. Comments for final actions will be used from the individual elements.

The information is presented in a simple tabular format. You can access the table from the report drop-down menu and selecting "Flushing Area Summary Table". This option is available when you have either a flushing study or flushing area selected.

In the dialog you have several ways of getting the information into Excel or another spreadsheet program. You can use the Copy button. The copy drop-down provides copying to the clipboard with and without the headers. First menu item, Copy, copies without headers. The second menu item, "Copy With Headers", copies to the clipboard with column headers.

You can also export the data to a CSV file. This export will export as a comma delimited file. Any hard returns in strings will be removed during export. Export will always include the headers.